2024-2025 Grades 6-8 Student Progression Plan
Middle School Curriculum and Instruction (pgs.5-7)
Charlotte County Public Schools provides all courses required for middle grades promotion and provides appropriate instruction designed to ensure that students meet State Board of Education adopted standards. There shall be instruction in every subject matter, field, topic or specific area required by law in accordance with the Florida Statutes and the Florida Department of Education. High school courses may be offered to middle school students who meet the appropriate entrance requirements. Students in grades 6 - 8 will be provided instruction at their appropriate instructional level(s).
Course of Study Requirements
Pursuant to F.S. 1003.4156, to be promoted to grade 9, students are required to successfully complete the following courses in grades 6-8:
Promotion and Retention Between Grade Levels (pg.32)
Successful course completion is defined as passing a core course with a grade of “D” or better.
For promotion from 6th to 7th grade: students must successfully complete two full core academic courses (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science). Students who fail more than two of the four core academic courses will be retained.
For promotion from 7th to 8th grade: students must successfully complete three core academic courses and have no 6th grade missing core courses.
Students in grade 6 or 7 who fail two of the four core academic courses must attend the summer credit retrieval program to recover one or more of the courses or be retained.
Grade 8 students may not be promoted to grade 9 until they have successfully passed all twelve middle grades core courses (which includes Civics) or higher.
Grade 8 students missing only one course or several courses to qualify for high school, who do not successfully retrieve the credit(s) during the summer, will maintain their status as an 8th grade student at their middle school of enrollment and will repeat the missing middle school courses at the middle school.
The Principal has the authority to determine final placement of students grades 6 through 8.
Earning High School Credit Towards Graduation (pg.37)
Middle school students may earn credit toward high school graduation under the following conditions: