Adolescent Behavior Explained
Adolescence is a time of enormous transition. Although adolescence may appear to be a turbulent time, it's also a period of great potential as young people engage more deeply with the world around them. Adolescents typically grow physically, try new activities, begin to think more critically, and develop more varied and complex relationships.
This document examines the major developmental changes that occur in adolescence and provides suggestions on how parents and caring adults can support young people as they navigate through this critical period. It builds on The Teen Years Explained: A Guide to Healthy Adolescent Development, the seminal report developed by the Center for Adolescent Heath at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, as well as on other important sources of information.
Adolescent Behavior Explained pdf
The Teen Years Explained
The purpose of this guide is to serve as an essential resource for people who work with young people and for youth-serving organizations.
During adolescence, children gain 50 percent of their adult body weight, become capable of reproducing, and experience an astounding transformation in their brains. All of these changes occur in the context of, and allow for, rapidly expanding social spheres. Understanding these changes can help both adults and teens enjoy the second decade of life. Knowledge of adolescent development empowers people who work with young people to advance teens' development.